Process Design & Economic Analysis of Methane Pyrolysis for Production of Hydrogen from Natural gas

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There is an increase in the amount of CO2 emissions in the past few decades and the process of capturing it back is at a much lower rate. The need of the hour is to reduce the emission rate or even avoid producing them in certain aspects. There is a transition towards renewable energy sources
that could help us maintain the balance required. Hydrogen is one of the energy sources that are at the forefront of this transition in the manufacturing and automotive industry, but without sustainable methods for producing hydrogen, it would not be a great alternative to existing energy sources like
fossil fuels. Presently the most used method for hydrogen production is steam methane reforming from natural gas, which produces a significant amount of CO2 during the process and needs to be captured which reduces the efficiency and thus higher energy requirements. To tackle the existing
problems of CO2 emissions and help in the transition towards sustainable hydrogen is the main goal of this study. The project focuses on producing low-emission CO2 hydrogen from natural gas and biomethane by using a process called methane pyrolysis, an innovative process that does not produce
any GHG emissions during the process, the produced hydrogen is called Turquoise Hydrogen. Here the study focuses on different types of hydrogen production methods and different methods within methane pyrolysis. This research helped in understanding and choosing the right type of methane
pyrolysis method for further study and analyzing its process and economic advantages over traditional methods like the steam methane reforming process.