Wave gauges in coastal areas – Golfmeetopstellingen in kustgebieden

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For 15 years already, fixed wave gauges for semi-continuous wave observations are used along the Netherlands coast. The waterdepth at location, as much as 6 km from the coastline, varies from 5 to 10 meters below M.S.L. The gauge - in general built of steel – carries the apparatus for measuring, registration and transmitting and also provides space for the servicing of the apparatus (platform). The gauges, once in position should be able to withstand forces of wave action during severe storms. In practice this requirement is difficult to realize and was only solved after many years and experiments. Apart from describing the instrumentation some aspects of design, placement, maintenance and retrieval of a gauging station, in the light of past experience are discussed. == Nederlandse vertaling van het artikel is toegevoegd.
