Aeroelastic Analysis and Classical Flutter of a Wind Turbine using BLADEMODE V.2.0 and PHATAS in FOCUS 6

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In a world where renewable energy sources are becoming more relevant, wind energy takes an important position in the current and future energy market. In order to become a bigger player in this market it is first important to provide a solid reliable product. To this extent, it is important to consider classical flutter for a wind turbine, as here flap and torsion vibration of the blade couple with each other resulting in a potential catastrophic failure of the wind turbine. Classical flutter is considered a dynamic instability boundary problem, which means that there is a specific rotational speed boundary beyond which the fluid-structure interaction becomes unstable. For classical flutter this boundary is the flutter speed. Due to the wind turbine blades getting larger, the possibility of the blades approaching the flutter speed is increased. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to find a clear and efficient procedure to analyze the flutter speed.