A block structured Low Mach Number MPV scheme for heterogeneous domain decomposition

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This paper is concerned with heterogeneous domain decomposition for semi-implicit Low Mach number schemes. The actual scheme is the Multiple Pressure Variables (MPV) scheme, which can be applied for a large range of Low Mach Number flows, ranging from natural convection flows with large temperature and density changes to aero-acoustics with recoupling of the acoustic to the flow. For aero-acoustic calculations, the numerical costs often are high due to the large computational domains. To reduce the computational effort, the domain is divided into non-overlapping sub-domains with non-matching cells. The future aim is to couple the semi-implicit code to domains with explicit time marching schemes. Therefore methods are considered, that do not require information from the neighbouring domains during one time step. This leads to a block-structured implementation spanning the solution space for the CG--solver over every single block instead of the hole computational domain. Information is exchanged at the beginning or end of the time step, not during the iteration steps.
