Scour below the toe of breakwaters

Investigation of scour formation through a geometrically open filter configuration located at the toe of a rubble mound breakwater lying upon sand

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Scour formation at the toe of a rubble mound breakwater can lead to abrupt failure. Nowadays, counteraction of scour via geometrically closed filter rules, geotextiles or combinations is the common practice. Alternatively, in specific cases the use of geometrically open filters can save significant amount of time and decrease constructional costs. As a primary step towards this direction, the prediction of scour formation through a geometrically open filter can provide important information. Nevertheless, at this moment the knowledge upon this issue is insufficient and limited. A variety of recommendations occurs in literature, separately for toe design/scour protection and for the application of open filter criteria; however none of the studies treats these subjects combined. Therefore the objective of the present thesis is to get insight into scour formation and development through a breakwater toe lying upon sand and designed as a geometrically open filter. Thereby the research aims in drawing the link between scour characteristics with wave loading and filter configuration properties. In order to accomplish the research objective 2D physical model tests were conducted in the 25m long, 1m deep and 0.6m wide wave flume of DMC, installed in the company’s laboratory. In total, 23 tests were executed with irregular waves (Jonswap spectrum) and by varying wave loading and filter configuration properties. In particular, 5 different filter/base layer combinations were examined and 3 different wave conditions were used to investigate the effects of relative grain diameter, relative filter thickness, grading of filter layer, base layer stability Number and storm duration. Quantification of damage magnitude was accomplished via laser profile measurements of filter and base layer prior and after the execution of each test. Furthermore, wave particle velocity climate was determined via the use of an Electromagnetic Flow Meter (EMS) placed at the center of the toe. Finally, temporal evolution scour was captured through the side glass and was examined by digitizing and analyzing snap-shots from predefined time steps. Test results and observations have revealed the highly spatial character of scour formation. Nevertheless, tests with identical boundary conditions showed a surprising convergence in averaged maximum scour depth magnitude. In addition, in the majority of tests an S-curve erosion/deposition pattern was shaped while erosion started immediately at the downstream side of the box threatening breakwater stability. Equilibrium maximum scour depth was reached for less than half the data set; thus erosion process was still in progress. Based on this, two approaches were developed to investigate temporal evolution of scour. Furthermore, dimensional analysis and literature review have revealed the most important parameters that have significant effect in scour formation; their combination has led to the formation of a prediction tool. However, combination of the results from tests with different base materials would not be possible without the introduction of the base material stability Number (critical Shields’ Number). The derived tool is an empirical expression with limited physical background and range of validity. Additionally, it overestimates maximum scour depth due to a serious model effect; the different buoyancy between filter and base layer that was causing initial damage and damage exaggeration. Nevertheless, it is capable of delineating the relative contribution of each parameter in scour depth formation. For an overall view of scour formation, further research will be needed to provide a more accurate quantification of the interrelation between parameters that play a role in scour formation and development, and to implement the effect of missing parameters. Consequently the use of the derived expression as a scour prediction tool in real life is not yet recommended.