Lab Scale optimization and characterization of the aluminium and TCO layer for flexible thin film solar modules

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This work is part of the FLAMINGO PV group which is a joint partnership between TU Delft and HyET Solar, which aims to demonstrate efficiencies above 12% on tandem thin film silicon devices. This thesis focused on the optimization of the aluminium surface morphology as well as the TCO layer at HyET Solar.In order to achieve the desired objectives of the FLAMINGO PV group, it is essential to optimize these layers in order to ensure better device performance for the HyET Solar modules.

Overall, in this thesis, a reliable and efficient method for the characterization of the TCO at HyET Solar has been established which makes it easier to determine whether the TCO exhibits desired electrical and structural properties. An experiment was performed in which different TCO thicknesses were varied in order to determine the optimal thickness for the new aluminium foil at HyET. Overall, thicknesses of 750-790 nm were found to yield desired TCO characteristics.

Furthermore, the thesis also focused in addressing the issues regarding the precipitants which occurred as a result of the treatment process which aims to remove oil/grease and other surface impurities from the aluminium substrate. The focus of this project was to address the precipitants issue which could hinder the performance of the current HyET modules. Overall, ultrasonication appeared to be the method for the removal of the precipitants. Different acids were tried among which ;3CB4 and ;AB3 were found to be the most optimal for removing the precipitants when the samples were dipped in them for atleast 3 minutes. Confirmation tests with different HyET textures need to be implemented however to confirm their presence.

Overall, through this thesis, the electrical and structural properties of the TCO layer at HyET was studied and the optimal thickness of 750-790 nm was selected based on their relatively good structural and electrical performance. Also, the precipitants issue has been tackled with ultrasonication with acids such as ;3CB4 and ;AB3 proving to be the best bet so far for eliminating them.
