Effect of stochastic material properties on the structural response of laminated composite materials

following the building block approach

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This report, which from now and onwards will be called the main body of the thesis, covers the core of the
problem that has to be solved. Generally, the aim of this thesis is to investigate a laminated composite’s
structural response, made of FRP, when its material properties are assumed stochastic instead of
deterministic. The materials shown in this thesis are investigated as part of a bigger project that concerns the
construction of several Mine Counter Measure Vessels.
In this document, the main focus is given on the results of experiments and/or analytical calculations whereas
the theories/methods used to extract these results are presented in the supporting document. As a result,
readers that are familiar with statistics, classical lamination theory, FEA modeling among others, can easily
read this report without coming across knowledge that they already have. In general, this document covers
the writer’s contribution to academics whereas the supporting document gives an extensive explanation on
what was used in this document.