Electrothermal Filters for No-Trim Temperature Sensors
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This thesis describes the design and characterization of thermistor-based electrothermal filters (ETFs) intended for use in high-accuracy CMOS temperature sensors. ETFs have been previously realized by placing an on-chip heater in close proximity to an on-chip thermopile, which then picks up the thermally-delayed signals generated by the heater. This delay is a well-defined function of absolute temperature and can be used as the basis for highly accurate temperature sensors. In this work, the thermopiles are replaced by a thermistor, resulting in greater sensitivity and higher resolution. Measurements show that the new ETFs can achieve 3.6m℃ resolution in a conversion time of 1s and 0.2℃(3ó ó) untrimmed inaccuracy from 30℃ to 60℃.
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