Social-Ecological-Technical systems in urban planning for a circular economy

an opportunity for horizontal integration

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The Circular Economy (CE) is receiving interest worldwide as a way to overcome the currently dominating linear and wasteful production and consumption models of our society. Currently the implementation of CE thinking into practice is still in an early stage. As the main hubs of consumption and to a more limited extent also, production, metropolitan areas often are seen as crucial to achieving a successful transition towards a CE, and therefore it is necessary to find ways to integrate a CE based approach into urban planning practice. In this paper literature dealing with the concept of the CE is reviewed within an urban planning framework to examine how well integrated it is in the built environment, both vertically and horizontally, in ideas prevalent in CE literature. The paper aims to contribute to the understanding of how the concept of CE can be integrated into urban planning practice with a view to enabling urban planners to integrate CE into their work to further accelerate the implementation of CE in metropolitan areas. In this paper a framework is presented for understanding opportunities for the integration of CE into urban planning.


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- Embargo expired in 31-08-2019