Real-Time Passenger Load Estimation using In-Vehicle Data

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Increased urbanisation has led to significant challenges for public transport operators. Inconsistent demand leads to peaks in passenger activity on the network. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a need for social distancing as well, limiting the desired capacity of vehicles. To combat this, intelligent real-time and data-driven decision making is required. In many cases, the data required is lacking or not available in real-time. Our research addresses these challenges by providing means to gain insight into the passenger load of public transport vehicles. The focus of this research is to investigate how using in-vehicle sensor data can help in constructing an estimate of the passenger load and evaluate its contribution.

By combining in-vehicle sensor signals with historical passenger flow patterns, a novel fusion model
based on gradient boosting machines is constructed that can make real-time predictions of the passenger load using this data as input features. The evaluation shows that its estimates have a mean absolute error (MAE) score of 7.83, outperforming a random forest model baseline by 37%. Moreover, a crowding indicator analysis demonstrated that when predicting crowding indicators, the model achieves a weighted F1 score of 0.828. An ablation study found that excluding the in-vehicle features from the model reduces the model’s performance significantly, it could reduce the performance by up to 42%. In fact, the same experiment showed that having only the in-vehicle features is preferable to historical passenger flow features. Therefore, we conclude that using in-vehicle sensor data can be a feasible alternative to historical AFC data for predicting the passenger load.

The methodology has been extended by constructing a short-term forecasting model based on Seasonal ARIMA and GARCH that uses real-time signals of the passenger load to update its forecasts. The results show that while the forecasts lack accuracy initially, once the model is updated the forecasts improve up to almost a negligible error. When model predictions are used as update signals, the forecasting model is still able to improve and the results are competitive, despite the error contained in the signals.

Overall, we conclude that the proposed real-time model offers a suitable method for passenger load prediction and clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of using in-vehicle sensor data as input features. Moreover, we have presented a feasible method for using these features in a forecasting setting with a real-time model as an intermediary


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