Quantile hydrologic model selection and model structure deficiency assessment

2. Applications

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Quantile hydrologic model selection and structure deficiency assessment is applied in three case studies. The performance of quantile model selection problem is rigorously evaluated using a model structure on the French Broad river basin data set. The case study shows that quantile model selection encompasses model selection strategies based on summary statistics and that it is equivalent to maximum likelihood estimation under certain likelihood functions. It also shows that quantile model predictions are fairly robust. The second case study is of a parsimonious hydrological model for dry land areas in Western India. The case study shows that an intuitive improvement in the model structure leads to reductions in asymmetric loss function values for all considered quantiles. The asymmetric loss function is a quantile specific metric that is minimized to obtain a quantile specific prediction model. The case study provides evidence that a quantile-wise reduction in the asymmetric loss function is a robust indicator of model structure improvement. Finally a case study of modeling daily streamflow for the Guadalupe River basin is presented. A model structure that is least deficient for the study area is identified from nine different model structures based on quantile structural deficiency assessment. The nine model structures differ in interception, routing, overland flow and base flow conceptualizations. The three case studies suggest that quantile model selection and deficiency assessment provides a robust mechanism to compare deficiencies of different model structures and helps to identify better model structures. In addition to its novelty, quantile hydrologic model selection is a frequentist approach that seeks to complement existing Bayesian approaches to hydrological model uncertainty.
