La Corrente

How can design support faith of Catholic LGBT+ members in Italy?

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This project aims to design an opportunity for helping Catholic LGBT+ members to merge their faith with their sexuality harmoniously. To tackle this complex issue, a detailed research phase was necessary. The desk research analyzed the current situation of Catholic LGBT+ members in Italy. In particular, the research focused on the current position of the Roman Catholic Church, and how this influences the target group’s wellbeing. It has been analyzed the concept of spiritual abuse, how it influences Catholic LGBT+ members’ internalized homophobia and the consequences of these behaviors on the target group’s faith. Furthermore, this chapter determined how faith is connected with spirituality and religion. All these data created the base for the research in Italy.
The primary research investigated the experiences of Catholics LGBT+ members in the context. Its analysis created different persona profiles within the target group and summarized different dilemmas they experience or have experienced. These were used to decide a more specific direction for the following stages. At the end of the analysis phase, the project had a specific direction: Switch perspective of SMALL SIBLINGS from a God that condemns homosexuality to a loving and accepting One by nurturing A feeling of guidance by building up
a trustworthy connection with BIG SIBLINGS A feeling of belonging by associating them with people alike A feeling of hope by inspiring them by the experiences of BIG SIBLINGS A feeling of protection by providing them a safe space to relate with BIG SIBLINGS To help the designer achieve this, an interaction vision has been created, both to inspire the idea generation phase and to produce a method to test the final solution. During this stage, the outcomes form two different ideation session has been used to create possible design directions to match the design goal. Eventually, it has been decided to develop a digital service combined with a ritual: “La Corrente”. The solution boosts reflections of Small Siblings by providing them a space to interact with Big Siblings and to question negative believes they have towards their sexuality and faith. In the designed scenario, “La Corrente” can be downloaded “La Tenda di Gionata”, the main websites that Catholic Homosexuals use as a reference. After that, they get assigned to a Big Sibling based on personal information. When the time for the conversation comes, the Small Sibling starts the conversation by sending an audio message to answers to the question “Why do I think God loves me less as an LGBT+ member?”. Big Siblings will reply with video messages in which they share a similar experience related to that topic. After this conversation, Big Siblings provides material to Small Siblings for reinforcing personal reflections. Small Siblings will perform the ritual of “La Corrente” every time a negative thought has been changed. The solution was tested. The experience with “La Corrente” was positive. The feedbacks were analyzed to understand how to develop the project further.