QuMAsim: A Quantum Architecture Simulation and Verification Platform

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Quantum microarchitecture is a key component in bridging the gap between quantum software and quantum hardware of a fully programmable quantum computer. Confronting the control problem of superconducting quantum processors, an experimental microarchitecture (QuMA) has been proposed in previous work. As the size of the target quantum chip continues to evolve, the complexity of QuMA scales up accordingly. This increase in complexity has led to a growing challenge in QuMA’s design, development, and verification. To solve these problems, we build a QuMA simulator which can automate the current QuMA verification process and accelerate the design phase of QuMA. We called this simulator QuMAsim. The first version of QuMAsim is based on CC-Light, an instance of QuMA for controlling a surface-7 superconducting qubit chip. Then this simulator is extended to be self-configurable for different quantum chips. Several applications are built based on this simulator. The verification platform consists of the simulator, the VHDL implementation of QuMA and a validator is designed to automate the verification procedure. In addition, we built a quantum virtual machine based on QuMAsim, which includes other quantum software and simulators to simulate the execution of quantum algorithms on each layer of the quantum computer. We demonstrate the potential of QuMAsim by performing some experiments with it and its applications, including the gearbox circuit simulation.