The Interior is The Exterior; The Exterior is the Interior

The Complex Fold between the "Public" and the "Private"

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Within the context of Hong Kong, it is discovered that the extremely compressed landscape of Hong Kong gives rise to a potential that people would negotiate and define their territories through their habits. In a sense, the conventional practice of architecture in Hong Hong has been transformed and adapted to the notion of compression. Whereby, the whole discussion has been shifted from the architecture “itself” towards the “explicit interiority”. When everything is being “interiorized”, the conventional territory between “interiority” and “exteriority” should also be destructed and redefined. With a goal of compressing the explicit interiority as the architectural expression, the projects focuses on the relations between the individual desire (point of views) and the environment. That is, the affordances and affects of spaces and architecture. The project explores how does architecture accommodates the diverse point of views through the negotiation of territories between the “private” and the “public”. Besides from making use of existing architectural thresholds elements, the project re-think the meaning of thresholds: How does a threshold become a constraint; and how can a constant become a threshold?