3d Printing Concrete onto Flexible Surfaces

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The cost associated with producing concrete elements has a direct link to its geometry. Further cost is incurred if panels have variable thicknesses throughout their cross-section. These variations can take the form of edge-returns in cladding elements (required for detailing), stiffening ribs (required for structure) or simply surface textures (required for architectural expression). In the context of free-form concrete geometries, fabrication of such features becomes even more difficult. Current moulding systems for such elements are in no means cost-effective as individual moulds are still required for every unique panel. What is required is a more flexible approach to the fabrication of complex free-form geometries: a hybrid system of already-existing techniques. The proposed setup will be a combination of existing systems which includes flexible moulding to cast double-curved panels of uniform cross-section and concrete additive manufacturing for the addition of surface details. The study will explore the possibility of efficiently fabricating complex free-form concrete panels with integrated edge details, ribs and/or surface textures in a more effieient manner than current moulding techniques