Incorporation of Recoverable Robustness and a Commercial Revenue Metric into Tactical Stand Allocation

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This thesis deals with an important resource planning problem at airports: the stand allocation problem. More specifically, it is aimed to obtain a robust tactical stand allocation for the airport, at limited cost. We incorporate the concept of recoverable robustness in a stand allocation model and formulate a recoverable robust stand allocation model. Furthermore, we test a new objective functions for the stand allocation model: maximization of affinity based on air-side commercial revenues, and compare it with three common objectives for the stand allocation problem. The recoverable robust stand allocation model is tested in a case study with Guarulhos International Airport of São Paulo. The recoverable robust solutions are demonstrated to outperform the solutions of a non-recoverable approach. Furthermore, the comparison between the four objectives indicated the practicality of the affinity objective and the trade-off an airport can make for tactical stand allocation.