Designing a profitable reception service for PostNL

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This graduation assignment was formulated with the idea in mind that PostNL would like to add a delivery service to their portfolio that enables them to build a direct payment relationship with the consumer. This delivery service should focus on the ‘reception’ part of a parcel delivery in which the consumer experience plays a major role. The assignment was formulated as: “Design a delivery service from the perspective of a specified target group that PostNL can ask money for. The willingness to pay (WTP) for this service needs to be researched.” This assignment was split into three components: 1) Design a ‘reception-style’ delivery service; 2) Determine a target group, and 3) Make sure people are willing to pay for the service. The new delivery service is called Shift and allows crowdsourced deliverers to take over (a part of) a delivery according to the exact needs and wishes of a consumer. Consumers can order everything, at any time, anywhere. A service blueprint, a user interface design and a strategic roadmap were created to provide enough insight into the strategic opportunities and impact of Shift. Together, the deliverables provide a holistic view on the essence, the purpose and the possibilities of the service.