Effect of nanostructured lime-based and silica-based products on the consolidation of historical renders

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An important operation for the conservation of historical renders is the cohesion restitution of the binderaggregate system, based on the use of materials with consolidating properties. Inorganic consolidants are usually preferred to organic ones due to better compatibility and durability. The aim of this work is the experimental characterization of two nanostructured consolidant products; a commercial nanolime, optimized with the addition of a reduced concentration of ethyl silicate, and a commercial nanosilica product underwent experiments to verify their consolidation efficiency. Nanostructured lime-based and silica-based products present interesting properties such as homogeneous distribution and high stability. Nanolimes were applied in combined applications with ethyl silicate, a well-known compatible product for consolidation intervention. The combined application guarantees some benefits and improves the mechanical and microstructural performance of these products. A nanosilica product was tested to better understand some known disadvantages (e.g. reduced penetration depth) and so its performances. Consolidant products were applied on weak lime mortar samples (prismatic samples and single mortar layer applied on bricks); these mortars were optimized by studying different binder-aggregate ratios, to simulate old lime mortar with cohesion loss. Consolidation effects were periodically evaluated to understand the treatments efficacy. Physicalmechanical characterization was performed on treated mortar samples, analysing superficial hardness and compressive and flexural strength. Microstructural observations and X-ray microanalyses of the consolidation products and of the consolidated mortar samples are also reported.
