The improvement of Iranian elderly’s life style through Persian architecture

A place to live and to be cared

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Concerning demographic change by the end of the century the demand on keeping old generation satisfy of their home environment has generally increased. The home which elderly lives in is a home for 365 days and they need to enjoy it in every moment of their 3rd life stage. When people get older they are not more able to be active as they were before, from all age groups elderly stays the most in their direct environment; therefore the lived their living has to be sufficient to their daily requirements. Old age is one of the most important stages of the life, which has it’s own indications so as if it gets recognized, would reduce their issues and problems providing a life-style with comfort and health. In this survey increasing the health of elderly besides providing them a suitable living environment is the main intention. Defining the indications of suitable living environment for elderly (specifically in Iran) concerning their mental and physical issues aiming to increase their prosperity is the question that this research would answer it. It has been researched how the future is going to looklike, And what are the life wishes of this certain demographic group. In developed countries, solutions concerning this issue are already conceived and also implemented. However in developing countries like Iran this issue is almost a new topic, which involves developing potentials. The most Iranian retirements live with other age groups in same type of apartments except a group, which yet have their own private house that usually is too big for an elderly couple. Public housing for elderly in Iran is maybe the least developed architectural typology. Inquiries have shown that the majority of older people wish to live near friends and relatives, even living with their children or grandchildren but only a very small number expressed any interest in old people’s homes. In this case we are going first find out why the retirement homes as a type of elderly settlements are sufficient as basic need of a shelter and feel of safety but the need of being respected and self-esteem and finally self-actualization is the most unsuccessful issues, which has an irreparable influence on elderly’s mentality. Therefor architects and urban designers are obligated to consider and implement spaces for this needy target group to have a safe environment in addition to keep the ownership and independency of their living conditions; maintaining to their requirements, also benefit from good social environment.