Senses and reminiscence

A living environment for elderly with dementia combined with a kindergarten

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Elderly with severe dementia live in nursing homes in most cases. In general, these places can be characterized as large scale, isolated and institutional. Based on social research, orientation, multi-sensorial stimulation and domesticity are essential aspects when designing a living environment for elderly with dementia. The importance of these aspects however, are commonly underestimated. In my opinion the needs of this patient group can be best met in a small scale living environment which keeps them active and connected to the outside life, while providing the necessary protection. The project involves a design for a living environment for elderly with dementia, combined with a kindergarten in the district ‘het Oude Westen’ in Rotterdam. The goal of the project is to create a living environment for elderly with dementia in which different generations can meet, which stimulates the senses and which above all, feels like home.