Fault tolerant wind turbine production operation and shutdown (Sustainable Control)

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Extreme environmental conditions as well as system failure are real-life phenomena. Especially offshore, extreme environmental conditions and system faults are to be dealt with in an effective way. The project Sustainable Control, a new approach to operate wind turbines (Agentschap NL, grant EOSLT02013) pro- vides the concepts for an integrated control platform. This platform accomplishes fault tolerant control in regular and extreme conditions during production operation and shutdown. The platform is built up from methods for the detection of extreme conditions and faults and from methods for operation and shut-down. The detection methods are largely model-based, which implies that event detection is derived from anomalous behaviour of outcomes from an observer, which can be an Kalman fiter. Various types of control approaches are included in the control methods. Often, more scalar feedback loops work together, the validity of which is motivated through frequency separation or orhogonality. The detection and handling of extreme conditions and sensor failures elongates the operation. The application of optimizing techniques during production operation and during shut down can reduce the loads on the turbine significantly. A proof of principle on a multi MW wind turbine for optimzied production operation showed a typical reduction of fatigue damage equivalent loads between 10% and 30%.
