Synergizing cycling and transit

Strategic placement of cycling infrastructure to enhance job accessibility

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Enabling cycling at the home side or at the activity side of transit trips has been recognized as a promising solution to address transit network discrepancies and enhance connectivity between residents and employment opportunities. However, this multimodal solution is conditional to bicycle parking and cycle lanes, and urban planners need tools to identify relevant locations for these infrastructures. This research presents a novel method to quantify the impact of potential cycling infrastructures on job accessibility. Using a logsum-based indicator, we assess the spatial distribution of accessibility improvements across neighborhoods when residents have the option to cycle from and to transit stops. Then, we quantify the individual contribution of every potential bicycle parking location and cycle lane to the overall accessibility improvements. The proposed approach offers valuable support to urban planners in identifying the best locations for (1) multimodal bicycle parking and (2) cycle lanes to foster synergies between cycling and transit. To demonstrate the efficacy of our method, we apply it to the case study of Amsterdam. The findings reveal that bicycle parking at metro stops and cycle lanes connecting these stops to dense and remote locations contribute the most to accessibility improvements, as they effectively connect these areas to high-frequency and high-speed transit lines. Additionally, we observe that few strategic infrastructures account for most of the accessibility improvements in Amsterdam.