Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Tunnel Linings

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The use of precast Reinforced Concrete has been the norm for the construction of tunnel linings for decades. However, the use of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete is gaining popularity due to its beneficial mechanical properties, improved sustainability, improved durability, and lowered costs compared to traditional Reinforced Concrete (RC). The amount of reinforcing steel can be reduced significantly, lowering the costs and carbon footprint of a project making it an appealing alternative. One application of SFRC is found in tunnels making use of precasted concrete segments, typically built with a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM). This type of tunnel is found in Amsterdam, namely the
Noord/Zuidlijn: a metro line linking the north and south of the city. This project is used as a reference to perform a feasibility study on the use of SFRC and investigate its benefits.

The research involves a structural analysis of an SFRC design considering the loads and boundary conditions of the original Noord/Zuidlijn. The loads occur at different phases in the realization of the tunnel: transient, construction, and service phase. These loads can lead to various failure mechanisms, with the primary concern being tensile splitting of the concrete. Each phase is defined by a dominant component that governs its behaviour. During the transient stage, involving demoulding, stacking, and handling of the segments, the bending stresses inside the segment need to be checked. During the construction stage, the ring joints of the segments presents a weakness and need to be checked for
spalling and/or splitting of the concrete. During the service stage, the longitudinal joint needs to be checked for splitting of the concrete and the global cross sectional stresses of the lining need to be examined.

Numerical models are created to assess SFRC’s performance in the governing parts of the tunnel during the three phases, with the addition of identical RC models as a basis for comparison. The general bending and shear stresses, as well as localised splitting and spalling stresses, are investigated in both the Serviceability Limit State and Ultimate Limit State. The structural behaviour of SFRC corresponded with the characteristics found in literature, with a higher initial cracking load than RC and a more stable crack propagation due to its residual tensile strength. The peak strength of SFRC is found to be lower, but still passes all the checks. The results show that an SFRC design with the
minimum fiber content of 30 kg/m3 is sufficient for the transient and construction phases, but 40 kg/m3 is needed for the service phase. The benefits of implementing SFRC in the Noord/Zuidlijn can be quantified in a steel reduction of 60%, which would mean a decrease in steel consumption of 3050
tons. The CO2 emissions would decrease with 5500 tons, equivalent to the amount absorbed by 220.000 trees over the course of one year.

The concluding results can be used as guidance when opting for SFRC in a new bored tunnel project. The performed design checks show a governing load situation in both the construction phase and the service phase. The sufficiency of SFRC for the ring joint check during construction is governed by the
splitting force between the loading shoes of the TBM. The magnitude of this splitting force depends on the size of the TBM, the characteristics of the soil, and the depth of the tunnel. A large diameter tunnel, high-friction soil, or deep tunnel will decrease the likelihood of a design with solely fibers. The same unfavorable conditions cause large internal bending moments which could pose problems for the longitudinal joint and global cross section check. A small diameter tunnel and a tunnel constructed in stiffer soil will increase the feasibility of a design making use of solely fibers