2D modeling approach for propeller-wing-flap interaction

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There is renewed interest into propeller-driven aircraft to improve fuel economy. Some novel concepts such as distributed electric propulsion (DEP) use propellers for lift augmentation. Low-order methods are required to quickly determine designs with improved high-lift performance. A 2D tool may be required to “tune” a 3D inviscid model such as a vortex lattice method to compensate for viscous losses in lift. A 2D viscous-inviscid solver (MSES) is modified to analyze high-lift devices blown by slipstreams. The inviscid results for an airfoil in a fully developed slipstream match well with CFD results. It is shown that higher propeller positions may augment lift by means of upper surface blowing. The presence of a slipstream influences boundary layer growth and can both aggravate or postpone wake-bursting effects to improve high-lift performance. The gap and overlap of a blown multi-element airfoil are optimized, illustrating that the tool is useful for parametric studies.
