T. Sinnige

56 records found

A 3D unsteady RANS simulation utilizing the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) turbulence model was conducted to investigate aerodynamic interactions within a propeller-wing-flap system. The research specifically examines the complex flow field around a slotted flap, highlighting the interact ...
This study deals with the comparison of different numerical fidelity levels to predict the noise of an isolated propeller in positive and negative thrust conditions. For this purpose, unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) and Improved Delayed Detached-Eddy Simulations ...
A tightly coupled aeroelastic design code for composite propeller blades was developed, verified, and used to perform design sensitivity studies. The design code features a structural model that accounts for geometric nonlinearities through the application of a corotational frame ...
This paper discusses the early-stage development of a fast propeller design tool using low-fidelity methods. Aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, and structural behavior of the propeller have been incorporated into an optimization framework to generate more efficient and quieter propelle ...
To reduce climate impact of aviation, it is imperative to consider to introduce aircraft based on electrical engines. These electrical aircraft replace jet engines by propeller-driven propulsion systems, making the propeller the dominant noise source. A quieter and more efficient ...
Operating a conventional propeller at negative thrust results in the operation of positively cambered blade sections at negative angles of attack, leading to flow separation. Consequently, accurately simulating the aerodynamics of propellers operating at negative thrust poses a g ...
The goal of this study is to determine the aero-propulsive performance of an over-the-wing distributed propulsion (OTWDP) system, and to understand how it depends on various operating conditions. For this, a windtunnel test is performed with a simplified OTWDP geometry consisting ...
Propellers have gained traction in recent years and are subsequently being integrated into unconventional airframe configurations as part of conceptual designs for developing sustainable aircraft. Close coupling of the propeller and airframe enhances the non-uniformity of the inf ...
Using propellers in negative thrust conditions can potentially result in many benefits, such as a steeper descent, a reduced landing run, reduced community noise, energy regeneration, etc. However, the aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of propellers in this regime are not well under ...

Multi-Element Airfoil in Jet Flows

Identifying Dominant Factors and Interactions

Propeller–wing–flap systems are subject to complex aerodynamic interactions between each part of the system. Although the propeller–wing interaction in cruise conditions is well defined, the high-lift condition is relatively unexplored. Effective analysis of the complex aerodynam ...
A wind-tunnel experiment was performed at the DNW Low-Speed Tunnel with a powered propeller-wing model to prove the concept of energy-harvesting with propellers and assess its impact on the wing performance. By separating the contributions of the propeller and wing to the overall ...
The integration of distributed electric propeller systems on aircraft wings presents complex aerodynamic interactions that are not yet fully understood. This study investigates the slipstream deformation in a distributed propeller configuration and compares it with a single prope ...
Hybrid- or fully-electric propeller-based propulsion systems have recently gained interest as an option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the rapidly expanding aerospace industry. The electrification of aircraft enables the possibility for energy harvesting during flight ...
This study investigates the acoustic characteristics of a distributed propeller-wing system in a tractor configuration, focusing on the potential for noise reduction using the synchrophasing technique. The experimental setup features three propellers with nacelles mounted side-by ...
Novel propulsion systems have been studied in literature to reduce aircraft emissions with hydrogen or other electrical energy sources. Hybrid Electric Propulsion (HEP) system consists of electric machines as an alternative way to provide power for propulsion resulting in the red ...
With the rise of distributed propeller concepts, there is an increased interest in quantifying the interaction between propeller slipstream and wing. It is known from literature that the local upwash induced by the propeller swirl can lead to a reduction of the wing-induced drag, ...
This paper studies the effect of operation at non-zero angles of attack on the aerodynamic performance and far-field noise emissions of an isolated propeller operating at positive and negative thrust conditions. To achieve this, scale-resolved lattice-Boltzmann very large eddy si ...
A low-order numerical tool for estimating noise emissions from distributed propeller configurations is presented. The paper describes the tool’s computational framework, which uses Hanson’s near-field theory to calculate the thickness and loading noise components. The formulation ...
Experiments were performed using a wall-to-wall unswept and untapered wing with a single slotted flap and a propeller, to obtain a validation dataset and gain insight into primary flow phenomena in propeller-wing-flap interactions. Measurements were taken using pressure taps, a w ...
The use of electric motors enables a more flexible operation of propellers compared to conventional combustion engines. One possible benefit is the easier operation at negative thrust, which could be beneficial for energy recovery, control purposes, and lower noise through steepe ...