Stability analysis for a peri-implant osseointegration model

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We investigate stability of the solution of a set of partial differential equations, which is used to model a peri-implant osseointegration process. For certain parameter values, the solution has a ‘wave-like’ profile, which appears in the distribution of osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, growth factor and bone matrix. This ‘wave-like’ profile contradicts experimental observations. In our study we investigate the conditions, under which such profile appears in the solution. Those conditions are determined in terms of model parameters, by means of linear stability analysis, carried out at one of the constant solutions of the simplified system. The stability analysis was carried out for the reduced system of PDE’s, of which we prove, that it is equivalent to the original system of equations, with respect to the stability properties of constant solutions. The conclusions, derived from the linear stability analysis, are extended for the case of large perturbations. If the constant solution is unstable, then the solution of the system never converges to this constant solution. The analytical results are validated with finite element simulations. The simulations show, that stability of the constant solution could determine the behavior of the solution of the whole system, if certain initial conditions are considered.
