Automatic building permits checks by means of 3D city models

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Most construction work requires building permit checks. Therefore, to promote sustainable and high-quality urban development, it is necessary to improve the building permit application process and accelerate the digital process of building permit checks.

Many studies about the digitalization of building permitting use the BIM, mainly coded in its reference open standard IFC by buildingSMART, to check compliance. However, many regulations need to consider some building context that is not supported by the current buildingSMART. This will affect the permit checks of these building contexts. The use of 3D city models for building permit checks is an alternative to BIM. 3D city models are powerful tools for city-level analysis and they can do extensions on different City Objects which able to cover the building context in the regulation, therefore it has good applicability to problems related to urban planning.

At present, there are little researches on building permit inspection based on 3D city models, so this study aims to provide an approach to use 3D city models and its extensions to support digital building permit checks. CityJSON has advantages over the CityGML data format in the development process, so it was selected as the 3D city model used in this study.

The first step is to choose the regulations for building permit checks. This involves the interpretation of the regulations, formalization process. In this study, the use case research method was selected, and the parking standards for cars and bicycles in Rotterdam were selected as the research object. We built a logic-based mechanism to map the content of the law to the corresponding 3D model. Next, we built the CityJSON conceptual model, which included four types of urban objects and expanded them. Then, the data we obtained and the data model will be stored and extended in a CityJSON model and then used for calculation and analysis in the developed tool.

Finally, through the tools developed, we successfully carried out a parking legal building permit inspection on the new building test data and stored and visualized the results. By using the framework and tool developed in this research, we can replicated the process to different places and regulations.