Layout Optimisation of Floating Offshore Wind Farms

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This study presents an innovative algorithm designed to optimise the layout of floating offshore wind farms (FOWFs), addressing inter-array cable length and the number of anchor structures required. This research is particularly noteworthy as no prior work has been conducted on wind farm layout optimisation for FOWFs. The Local-Search-Inspired Layout Optimisation (LSILO) algorithm was developed, incorporating a variety of novel heuristics such as Edge Impact Destroy (EID), diversifying repair, and neighbourhood tabu search, most of which were innovatively designed for this research. The LSILO algorithm is capable of optimising cable routing while facilitating anchor-sharing and minimising cable length. In comparison to the industry standard, LSILO displayed promising results, outperforming the random benchmark by a 24% improvement in cable length. However, the algorithm does plateau at a certain turbine density. Turbine density has a substantial influence on the algorithm’s speed and rationality. Therefore, we recommend utilising LSILO with an EID of three turbines, diverse repair without alternatives, and traditional tabu search, on current floating wind turbine sites.