Ruimte-intensivering EMO-schiereiland

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The space in the Port of Rotterdam is getting scarce due to the growth of the port. This is the reason why the port authority shows the ambition to intensify the space in the port. The EMO-peninsula on the first Maasvlakte is one of the areas in the port where there is a lack of space. There are three companies who are based on the peninsula. These are: EMO (dry bulk terminal), Electrabel (new coal/biomass power plant) and Gasunie (small LNG-storage). The lack of space on the peninsula is caused by: enlargement of a port basin, the new coal/biomass power plant and the expected growth of EMO. A capacity analysis shows that the EMO-peninsula is indeed short of space. The focus, of the intensification of space, is laid on the dry bulk storage of EMO and the handling and storage of biomass on the peninsula. All the alternatives to increase space capacity are generated by a brainstorm. The alternative keerwand (see picture) is elected as the best solution for the dry bulk storage problem of EMO. For the handling and storage of biomass, the best alternatives are the same as the current ideas. That is why only the alternative keerwand is developed and looked at in this study. Alternative keerwand The alternative keerwand contains of a retaining wall on both sides of the storage to enlarge the volume of the storage. Moreover, the volume will also be increased by adjusting the machine that is used for stacking and reclaiming the dry bulk, this machine is called the kombi. This will lead to more storage volume on top of the storage. The alternative shows benefits on different levels. These are: gain in space, financial positive, technically feasible and environmental attractive. The keerwand alternative results in a gain of space of 15,3%. The investment and the operational costs are relatively low. The construction of the retaining wall and the transformation of the kombi are technically feasible. Because of the relation between the surface and the volume of the storage is small, dust will be reduced to a minimum. A disadvantage of the alternative is the freedom of movement of shovels and dumpers. They have to drive around the construction to reach their destination. In comparison to many other alternatives to increase storage capacity in the port, this study proves that space intensification (keerwand) is really interesting for a dry bulk terminal. It is even more attractive than expanding or move the terminal to a new location. Especially the financial benefits are very positive. The investment and operational cost are considerably low. The most important argument against this alternative is the limited freedom of movement. Space intensification EMO-schiereiland The main conclusion of this study is that space intensification on the EMO-peninsula is feasible and interesting. By the use of space intensification there is no necessity for companies to expand on another location outside of the peninsula on the first Maasvlakte. The study “Space intensification EMO-peninsula” contributes to the ambition of the port authority of Rotterdam to intensify the space in the port.