Synthesis, solubility and thermodynamic properties of N-A-S-H gels with various target Si/Al ratios

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The synthesis of N-A-S-H gel with high Si/Al ratios (>2) has been rarely reported in the literature, leaving the establishment of a reliable synthesis route as an open challenge. This paper aims to synthesize N-A-S-H gels with Si/Al ratios ranging from 1 to 3 and establish their thermodynamic database. The effects of reaction temperature, reaction time, initial Si/Al, concentration of reactants and pH of the matrix on the Si/Al ratios of the synthesized N-A-S-H gel were investigated. Results showed that N-A-S-H gels with target Si/Al ratios can be synthesized by controlling the concentration of reactants, pH and initial Si/Al ratios. The solubility products of the obtained N-A-S-H gels were determined via dissolution tests at different temperatures, to determine thermodynamic data. The development of this experimentally derived thermodynamic database of N-A-S-H gels constitutes a crucial step in the advancement of thermodynamic modeling of geopolymer, providing valuable insight into geopolymer reactions and phase assemblages.