Inversion of the multidimensional marchenko equation

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Focusing functions are defined as wavefields that focus at a specified location in a heterogeneous subsurface. These functions can be directly related to Green's functions and hence they can be used for seismic imaging of complete wavefields, including not only primary reflections but all orders of internal multiples. Recently, it has been shown that focusing functions can be retrieved from single-sided reflection data and an initial operator (which can be computed in a smooth background velocity model of the subsurface) by iterative substitution of the multidimensional Marchenko equation. In this work, we show that the Marchenko equation can also be inverted directly for the focusing functions. Although this approach is computationally more expensive than iterative substitution, additional constraints can easily be imposed. Such a flexibility might be beneficial in specific cases, for instance when the recorded data are incomplete or when additional measurements (e.g. from downhole receivers) are available.
