Electricity Supply and Demand Control in a Car as Power Plant Neighborhood

A Agent Based Model

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Car as Power Plant (CaPP) neighborhoods are an innovative approach to achieve sustainable, self-sufficient local energy systems. A key component of CaPP systems is a fleet of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), which provides mobility but also operates as decentralized power plants. The CaPP approach still requires proof of concept, this is partly due to the present-day low market penetration of FCEVs. This thesis aimed to contribute to that proof of concept by quantifying the influences of electricity supply and demand control on the electricity balance of a CaPP neighborhood. To that end, an agent-based model of the socio-technical system of a 200 household CaPP neighborhood is developed. The model is used for an elaborate exploration of the performance of a CaPP neighborhood with respect to its electricity balance. A variety of Dutch scenarios, with diverse degrees of social cohesion, number of FCEVs, seasons and control structure settings, is assessed.