Combined Effects of The Electromagnetic Suspension and Frequency-Velocity Dependent Reaction Force of The Guideway on The Hyperloop Instability

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The stability analysis of electromagnetic suspension system applied to Hyperloop in simplified two degrees of freedom system has been studied deeply where the track-beam is regarded as a point mass and the effects of velocity and beam are neglected. However, there is little reference on the study of the interaction between electromagnetic suspension system and wave effects.

The main aim of this thesis is to investigate the dynamic behavior of the EMS vehicle-beam coupled system using the one-dimensional model, and illustrate the combined effects of the EMS and guideway on the vehicle instability at different horizontal velocity by comparing with results of EMS system in simplified model and mechanical system in one-dimensional model.

Along these lines, the tube is modelled as an infinite long Euler-Bernoulli beam resting on a homogenous viscoelastic foundation and the vehicle is modelled as a point mass. The response of the system is obtained both numerically and analytically. The values of control gains are determined based on the equivalent simplified two degrees of freedom EMS system. A representative mechanical system is designed to show the anomalous Doppler waves effects. It is found that for inappropriate values of control gains which will cause instability of vehicle at static state, the one-dimensional guideway has positive effects which can stabilize the vehicle at certain range of subcritical velocity, whereas for appropriate values of control gains the EMS system can counteract the wave-induced instability and keeps the vehicle stable at even supercritical velocity. Finally, a method to linearize the system is presented which allows eigenvalue analysis.