Project Yogya

Recommendations for the continued pursuit of a safe, durable and sustainable Tanjung Adikarto Port

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Tanjung Adikarto is a fishing port in Kulon Progo, a coastal region in the Special Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Project Yogya was commissioned by Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai Serayu Opak with the objective to assess the issues that impede completion of the Tanjung Adikarto Port (Part I) and devise an adequate and comprehensive counter strategy (Part II). In 2012, the construction of two protective breakwaters known as the Glagah Jetty Project was halted for reasons disputed by the stakeholders involved and the economic impulse prospected to outweigh large investment costs was questioned. This two-legged report presents an analysis of the progress-impeding issues (Part I) and follows up with a recommended design proposal accompanied by an effective implementation policy (Part II).