A Health-Aware Control Strategy for Enhanced Performance and Extended Hybrid Powertrain Lifecycle

A benchmark of different cost functions

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The urgent need for marine transportation to reduce CO2 emissions has led to considering alternative energy and storage sources. The resulting increase in the complexity of powerplant architectures led to the development of advanced control strategies to achieve energy savings. At the same time, the health status of components has been often overlooked, leading to shortened powerplant lifecycles.

To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel health-aware control strategy for hybrid and full electric powerplants featuring fuel cells and batteries that simultaneously extend service life and reduce energy consumption. Specifically, the thesis identifies the most detrimental behaviour for powerplant components and propose a bespoke cost function to mitigate those.

To assess the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy, a comparative analysis will be conducted against a non-health-aware control strategie and a health aware control strategy from literature, to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed approach in terms of energy performance and service life extension, contributing to the development of sustainable marine transportation.