'Unity in diversity' - Eenheid in verscheidenheid

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This design contains the transformation of Van der Kunbuurt in Amsterdam. This postwar neighborhood is in need of new spatial configurations and sustainable dwelling typologies suited for the 21st century living. The neighborhood is isolated between areas with different functions. The accessibility on the outside of the enclave are mainly portico entrances for more private entrances. On the other hand within the neighbourhood groundfloor accesses and galleries are applied to create more liveliness which indirect influences the involvement within the neighborhood. The facades are kept as much as possible, but according the created zero energy dwellings some additions are made. This design is making a unity in diversity by accommodating different types of dwelling together with different targetgroups. The transformed Van der Kunbuurt will stimulate the use of the outdoor space by the dwellers itself as well as by inhabitants of neighborhoods of the surrounding. Passers-by are having the opportunity to withdraw themselves from the crowded city by spending some time on the main square. The dwellers can withdraw themselves in green courtyards also. The existing Van der Kunbuurt consists mainly dwellings for social rent. This design contains a variation of CPO, social rent, private rent and dwellings for sale. This diversity of target groups will create an interesting social interaction between the users due to the different lifecycles. The dwelling for the 21st century needs to accommodate more activities while the usage of the dwelling is increasing due to the flexibilisation of the labour market, increasing digital age and the developments like the process of decontextualization. Therefore the dwellings of Van der Kunbuurt creates a balance between the social activities and withdrawing. The neighbourhood ‘Unity in Diversity’ accomodates dwellers to feel at home in a safe neighbourhood, which merge the existing and the new together. All this on a human scale in a dynamic and large-scale area.