Descriptive Designing

A search for awareness of space and experiences in architecture

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For my graduation project in ExploreLab at the TuDelft, I have been given all the freedom to create my own assignment. With the guidance of Klaske Havik, Patrick Healy and Elise van Dooren, I have created this project which is a search for tools which can implement the experience of space within the design process. I have done this by using literature as a tool. The project is half a theoretical project, in which I examined the use of literature as a tool. The other half exists out of three small designs which each test and analyse the theory part. The three designs have in common that they are designed for a blind character, which emphasises the experience of space not by sight, but through the other senses. The designs differ from each other in the way literature is used as a method. Each design is based on a different book and a different angle (writer / narrative / character). Also the function of each design is different according to their location. The thesis, which comes from the theory, together with the three designs, forms my graduation project in which I have explored the experience of space and the tools to implement it into the design process.