Towards an Open Government Data Success Model

A case study from Indonesia

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Governments around the world are following the global open government movement by initiating Open Government Data (OGD) programs. They are motivated by the claim that it will generate economic and social value. However, the success of an OGD initiative will only be realized when OGD is used and when the use results in the creation of public value. Even though a plethora of academic research has examined various aspects of OGD initiatives, the question regarding how OGD generates public value remains unaddressed. This paper aims to develop an OGD success evaluation model that offers a systematic way of understanding how OGD creates public value. For this purpose, we first present and explore public value generation through an OGD initiative in the context of Indonesia’s 2014 presidential election. Subsequently, we propose an OGD success evaluation model that explicates how service, information and system quality affect the intention to use OGD and user satisfaction, which in turn lead to the creation of public values. This paper contributes to the literature by applying the Information Systems Success Model of DeLone and McLean in the context of OGD. It extends their model by adding the concepts of social media quality. Since the model is conceptual, further empirical research is needed to test the model.