Ten years of bored tunnels in the Netherlands

Part II: Structural issues

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In 1997 for the first time construction of bored tunnels in the Netherlands soft soil was undertaken. Before that date essentially only immersed tunnels and cut-and-cover tunnels were constructed in the Netherlands. The first two bored tunnels were Pilot Projects, the 2nd Heinenoord tunnel and the Botlek Rail tunnel. Since then a series of other bored tunnels has been constructed and some are still under construction today. At the beginning of this period, amongst others Bakker (1997), gave an overview of the risks related to bored tunnels in soft ground and explained about a plan for research related to the Pilot projects. Ten years have passed, a lot of monitoring and research has been done. In this paper that is split in two parts a summary is given of some of the most characteristic observations of these past 10 years of underground construction in the Netherlands. In this second part, the emphasis will be on structural related issues discussed whereas in part one, frontal stability, grouting and soil deformations are discussed.