Lifetime City & Theater City

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The ambition of the Yongsan theatre is to bring people together. It is a truly public domain that is open to everyone. The new theater in the heart of Yongsan attracts people from around the neighbourhood, but also people from outside Yongsan, that come by the adjacent station, or by car. The building attracts visitors from all ages. Both young and old people find activities they can join, or they can learn from each other. Also amateurs get the chance to learn from professionals, by watching, talking and acting. People can share their ideas and explore their talents. Also passersby are welcome in and around the building. Already its location is unique and therefore a reference point. The amount of people and its facilities make it a real urban element in the city. When it has become a well known point, it is easy to say ‘…let’s meet at the theater’. The cultural program has its roots in a universal appreciated art form: dance. With appearances in many forms, dance can be enjoyed by people from different cultures, it can be practiced at different levels and at different ages. In an aged society such as Korea it might even be used as therapy to develop motor skills and movement. In the new theater more of the creative facets that are involved in or related to making a dance production are present, including presenting, costume making and painting. Furthermore shops will be included to provide the right material and to enable people to bring the creativity home.