Numerical Modelling of Coastal Erosion using MIKE21

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The purpose of this research is to model coastal erosion at a site on the Ural coast of the Baydara Bay, Russia. The research carried out in this thesis, aims to create a model to represent the hydrodynamics and sediment transport patterns prevalent at the site, using MIKE21 developed by DHI. The model is calibrated using the available data. The model results were found to be in good agreement with the collected data. The results show a high bed resistance value which is due to the vegetation and possible ice content in the sediment layer. In the second part of the research, the hydrodynamic conditions for a more recent time frame are presented for which the sediment transport pattern is also predicted. A sensitivity analysis of the sediment transport is presented for the following parameters: grain size diameter, importance of waves and importance of model formulations. The sensitivity analysis shows that the waves are of primary importance compared to tidal currents. The sensitivity of results to variation in sediment grain size are also discussed. In conclusion, limitations of the model and scope of future research are outlined.