Validation and analysis of loading models for a multi-megawatt floating offshore two-bladed wind turbine

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Offshore wind is a rapidly maturing renewable energy technology and is expected to play a central role in future energy systems. It has the potential to generate more than 420,000 TWh per year worldwide, an amount approximately equal to eighteen times the global electricity demand today. While many of the most abundantly resourceful sites are at water depths too extreme for fixed-base solutions, current floating turbine technologies suffer with high-costs and inefficiencies. Seawind Ocean Technology B.V., a Netherlands based company, is a manufacturer of fully integrated floating wind turbine systems. They have designed an innovative set of low-cost, low-weight, upwind two-bladed wind turbines, with teetering hinge and yawed power control. This teetering hinge decouples the shaft from rotor, by adding an extra degree of motion, and protects the turbine from harmful aerodynamic and gyroscopic loads, as well as the rotor from hydrodynamic loads. The innovative active yaw control eliminates the need for complex pitching systems to regulate power output, in turn reducing turbine head weight and turbine costs.

There are a number of aims and objectives for this thesis project. The first, and most fundamental, was to investigate two-bladed and floating offshore turbine technology and share these findings with the hope that they make their way into the hands of change-makers who can promote the technology and consequently accelerate the green transition. The second was to optimise the loading analysis models of the Seawind 6 turbine using DNV GL’s wind turbine design software, Bladed. This is a 6 MW two-bladed floating offshore turbine and is intended for commercialisation by 2024. Seawind have extensive operational data from the Gamma 60’s deployment (the world’s first variable speed, two-bladed, wind turbine with a teetering hinge) in the 1990s. The Gamma 60 was modelled and compared to this operational data, with the calibrations in turn applied to the Seawind 6 models to improve its accuracy. Once achieved, the third goal was to carry out a thorough ultimate and fatigue load analysis of the optimised Seawind 6 model for various design load cases at extreme water depths. This investigation proved that the various investigated turbine components have been adequately sized and that suitable construction materials have been selected considering the loads they are expected to withstand. Following this large body of work, the fourth objective was to verify the theory that teeter motion is aerodynamically damped when the blades of a two-bladed, teetered turbine, are vertically oriented due to differences in angles of attack of the oncoming and retreating blades when yawed out of the wind. The fifth and final goal of this thesis work was to pull everything together and compare the floating offshore two-bladed Seawind 6 to a conventional floating three-bladed state-of-the-art turbine competitor. This was in terms of ultimate and fatigue loads experienced, capital and operational expenses (CAPEX and OPEX), lifetime carbon abatement, levelised cost of energy (LCOE), ease of manufacture and deployment, and operational performance.


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