The potential for customer information systems to reduce the cost to serve of electricity suppliers

An explorative study towards describing the influence of customer information systems on cost to serve and quality of service

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One known way of reducing the CtS is the implementation of a customer information system [CIS]. Ferranti Computer Systems n.v. is one of the main suppliers of these CIS, with regard to the utility sector, the utility specific CIS offered by Ferranti is called MECOMSTM. However, a CIS implementation does not only influence the CtS it also has an impact on the quality of service [QOS], focusing on CtS and not taking QOS into account would be inadequate. The initial goal of this research was to create a generic model that describes the influence of a CIS on CtS and QOS, for B2C energy supply companies in Belgium and the Netherlands. In order to construct such a model it appeared that in-depth financial as well as quality level data was required, however, the energy companies which agreed to join in this research proved unwilling to present this data. The unwillingness to share data has led to a new research question (the original research questions can be found in paragraph 1.2 while the redefined research questions can be found in paragraph 6.3.2): Which steps are required for an energy supplier, to make an in-depth consideration for a CIS implementation?