Effect of ambient temperature on fatigue delamination growth in composite laminates

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This report describes the research I have done during my master thesis on the subject of the effect of temperature on fatigue delamination growth. It is the result of a thourough literature study and an extensive experimental campaign under supervision of René Alderliesten and Liaojun Yao. This report informs the reader about the process I have followed as well as the results I have obtained. This master thesis report would not have been possible without the support of several people. Firstly, the technicians of Delft Aerospace Structures and Materials Laboratory Fred Bosch, Victor Horbowiec, Johan Boender, Berthil Grashof, Dave Ruijtenbeek and Alexander Uithol. Thank you to Dimitrios Zarouchas for his help with the acoustic emission equipment. Special thanks go out to Roberto Motta for his advice and support on both practical and theoretical matters. Thank you to my second supervisor Liaojun Yao for the fruitful discussions and feedback I have received during my master thesis. Finally, my deepest gratitude goes out to my first supervisor René Alderliesten for his help, guidance, discussions and feedback.