Shear or bending? Experimental results on large t-shaped prestressed conrete beams

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Experimental results of four shear tests on two large prestressed concrete beams are compared to nonlinear analysis and design code calculations. The beams have a length of 12 m and a depth of 1.3 m and are reinforced with stirrups and pre-tensioning. The four tests consist of a single point load at a distance of 2.7d from the support. A priori analyses using NLFEA and design formula predicted a shear failure. However a bending moment failure was predicted to be close to the shear failure and could not be completely ruled out. The prediction of shear or bending failure is further complicated by the presence of empty ducts in the top flange. The four test where the subject of an international “Shear Contest” held at the University of Parma Italy in November 2014.
