Aerodynamics of a Rotating Wheel in a Wheelhouse

A Numerical Investigation using LES

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The aerodynamic drag force is a crucial factor for passenger cars and trucks, where fuel economy is of utmost importance. While a lot of research has been performed to optimize the design of the upper-body of the vehicle, the flow over a rotating wheel that is enclosed by a wheelhouse is not understood to the same level. Estimates show that the addition of wheel and wheelhouse to a vehicle body, can increase its drag and lift coefficient by as much as 40 \%. With the major automobile manufacturers striving to improve the fuel economy of the vehicle, understanding the flow over a rotating wheel in a wheelhouse, offers a new dimension for the improvement of the drag coefficient of the vehicle. In the present research, the flow over a simplified car body with a wheel and a wheelhouse was studied using Large Eddy Simulation (LES). When performing an LES on a given numerical grid, it can be expected that the contributions from the subgrid viscosity model reduces on decreasing the Reynolds number of the flow. A study focusing on the dependence of the flow field on the Reynolds number was thus performed. Three Reynolds numbers based on the wheel diameter - 9 x $10^3$, 75 x $10^3$, 150 x $10^3$- were chosen for the dependence study. A comparison of the relative pressure distribution and the flow topology between the different Reynolds numbers showed that the flow over a rotating wheel in a wheelhouse was qualitatively independent of the Reynolds numbers considered in this work. Experimental results from Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), performed on a similar vehicle model, were used to validate the numerical solution at a Reynolds number of 9 x $10^3$. The behaviour of the flow in the wheelhouse region was investigated and a new description of the flow field inside a wheelhouse, consisting of 11 vortex structures, was presented in this work. To determine the qualitative dependence between the flow field and the drag coefficient, a comparison of the flow between two geometric configurations, with different wheelhouse radius, was performed at a Reynolds number of 9 x $10^3$. It was found that the configuration with the larger wheelhouse radius had a higher wheelhouse drag coefficient and a lower wheel drag coefficient when compared to the configuration with lower wheelhouse radius. Based on a detailed flow field, four out of the eleven vortices were found to be crucial in determining differences in the drag coefficient of the wheel and wheelhouse. Based on this analysis, an alternate wheelhouse geometry, combining the advantages of the two geometric configurations considered in this work, was proposed, that could potentially lead to a reduction in the drag coefficient of the vehicle.