Numerical Analysis of Moisture Flow and Concrete Cracking by means of Lattice Type Models

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Modelling of fluid-flow and the resulting effects on shrinkage and microcracking by means of a combination of two lattice models are presented. For the moisture transport, a Lattice Gas Automaton (LGA) is adopted since it can effectively model moisture loss, whereas for cracking simulation a Lattice Fracture Model (LFM) is used. The resultant moisture gradients are translated into strains by means of a shrinkage coefficient. Strains yield shrinkage stresses, which are applied as pre-stresses on the sample in order to invoke cracking. The principle of the coupling of two lattice models is explained. Some examples of preliminary analyses on a homogenous lattice and a lattice containing a single large aggregate are presented. Problems and advantages to the approach are debated, and existing gaps in knowledge are indicated.