Feasibility of a power plant

Blue energy in the Dutch Delta

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Blue energy is a technique that converts the difference of molar free energy between fresh river water, and salt sea water into electricity. Theoretically, 1,5MW can be won when mixing flows of 1m3/s of river water with sea water. Taking into account all losses that occur in the system, makes that the net power is approximately 1,0MW/m3/s. For a large-scale application of Blue energy large amounts of water are necessary. Salt water has to be brought into contact with fresh water, and the brackish water (mixture of the incoming fresh and salt water), has to be discharged away from the power plant. Next to this, the potential for Blue energy at a certain location largely depends on the occurring salinities at that specific location. A larger difference between fresh and salt results in a higher potential. In this study the main focus lies on the hydraulic aspects of Blue energy. The study showed that in the Dutch Delta five locations exist where Blue energy might be feasible. The Botlek area of the Port of Rotterdam, has been chosen to deepen out. For this location the fresh water availability has been determined with a statistical analysis. Aspects like the changing river regime due to climate changes and salt intrusion into the Delta area have been taken into account. A number of hydraulic simulations (Delft3D, Maasvlakte II Model) have been done in order to determine the maximum salt water flow, and the occurring salinities. The calculations showed that at the chosen location considerable flows can be generated, with salinities which are perfect for Blue energy. Hence, a considerable amount of electricity can be generated (hydraulically) with a Blue energy power plant in the Botlek area. For this power plant the main characteristics have been determined, and an economical analysis has been made.