Space Charge analysis of epoxy based nanocomposites

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This project investigates the effect of addition of h-BN (hexagonal boron nitride) nano-particles, of size about 70 nm, to epoxy resin, cast in the form of thin circular plaques, varying in thickness from 0.46 mm minimally till 0.56 mm maximally. Different filler concentrations by volume% have been chosen, with the lowest as 0.2 volume% till the highest of 5 volume%, and incorporated into the epoxy host material. The space charge characterization of the samples is performed by the Pulsed Electro-acoustic technique, and the resultant nano-filler incorporated materials are characterized in terms of space charge accumulation in the samples, depletion rate, accumulation rate, charge accumulation characteristics. 3 distinct techniques of sample production have been adopted, to incorporate the h-BN nano-particles into the epoxy base, in case of the same fill-grade, and the study of these techniques is briefly performed as well. The aim is to isolate (if any) the sample/sample(s) which behave in a relatively better manner to neat epoxy resin (without nano-fillers) and study behaviour. The secondary aim is to investigate if the addition of nano-filler material to epoxy resin influences/changes the threshold field for space charge accumulation in the relatively better performing sample/sample(s).