The measurement of the laminar flame speed of Dutch natural gas

An investigation on the burning characteristics of Dutch natural gas

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The characteristics of Dutch natural gas (DNG) have been quantified by measuring the laminar flame speed of a premixed Bunsen flame over a range of equivalence ratios ϕ, varied from ϕ=0.80 to ϕ=1.55. The laminar flame speed has been calculated from the OH* chemiluminescence images recorded with a high speed camera with an acquisition rate of 1 kHz. Both the semi-cone angle method and mass conservation method were used in deriving the magnitude of the laminar burning velocity. From the data it was shown that the laminar flame speed of DNG is consistently lower compared to natural gas from Pittsburgh, Abu Dhabi and Indonesia. Moreover the data has been compared using the laminar flame speed of methane mixtures to validate the experimental setup. This showed that the laminar flame speed of DNG was marginally lower than the laminar flame speed of methane. The uncertainty within the measurements has been quantified by deriving the probability density function of the data.


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